What is the La Verne Land Conservancy?


The La Verne Land Conservancy is a public non-profit organization that is working to protect the remaining foothill open spaces above La Verne to support the health of our watershed and to ensure future access to and enjoyment of the foothills and the adjacent Angeles National Forest.

Interested in our recently completed Marshall Canyon Trail User Survey? View it here.


Mission Statement

The La Verne Land Conservancy

Our mission is to sustain the rich, natural and cultural heritage of La Verne through the preservation of its remaining natural habitat and conservation of open space for compatible recreational uses.



How You Can Help

Become a volunteer

Become a friend / Support LVLC

The LVLC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporation. As such, any monetary donations or other types of gifts are fully tax deductible. Donations or gifts may include endowments, matching grants, land donations, donation by will, and gifts designated for the LVLC through the financial planning or the United Way.