
Since its inception in 2002, the La Verne Land Conservancy (LVLC) has worked with various local agencies and other non-profits to identify, acquire, and preserve open space in the San Gabriel Mountain Foothills. In 2004, LVLC worked closely with the  the San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy (SGMRC), the City of La Verne, and the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation to identify funding and partnering opportunities that resulted in the acquisition of over 200 acres of undisturbed, hillside land. LVLC continues to work with these organizations to develop plans and identify funding to ensure the future restoration and preservation of these lands for the benefit of wildlife, watershed protection, and outdoor enthusiasts.

project planLVLC is working on various grant applications that may provide the necessary funds to acquire additional specific properties from private landowners,  or to set up legal conservation easements that will guarantee that properties are maintained as open space in perpetuity. LVLC is also in communication with local developers to provide environmental input on possible future developments in La Verne.

LVLC is working with the City and the County to identify smaller parcels within the City limits that may be suitable for public use as open space parks through restoration projects including stream channels, hiking trails, and catch basins.

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